Today was Matthew's first check up and the results are...he is doing fabulous! Our pediatrician's name is Dr.Schessler but tells everyone to call him Dr Eric and he looks a little like Doogie Howser, so we refer to him as Doogie (not to his face though). We like him a lot and he is very patient and willing to answer all the silly questions we, as new parents, have. He was very impressed on how Matthew has been doing in his first weeks of life. Matty was born at 7 lbs 4 ozs but left the hospital at 6lbs 7 ozs, which is a loss of more than 10% of his birth weight, so was a little bit of a concern in the very beginning. We were hoping he was back up to his birth weight today at his check up and not only was he back up...he was 1 lb over! 8 lbs 4 oz today! He is in the 30th percentile for weight and head measurement and 50th percentile for length as he is up to 21 3/4 inches from 20 inches at birth. Overall, he his doing great and best of shots today! We can look forward to his 2 month check up for his next shots! Here's some pictures of him at his first doctors appointment:
Waiting for Doogie to come weigh him....
Getting his heart rate checked...he didn't cry at all...
Andrew getting him dressed again, notice they are wearing matching stripes...
All done, and his eyes are open!!!!
congratulations on your first checkup Matty!
I love this shot. The stripes and open eyes are both so endearing....hope you all are feeling great, Brie
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