Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vacation... Sorta

So.....Denise and I are on vacation this week...However, we wont' be spending it on some warm tropical island. Instead we are using this week for our final preparations for baby "Donovan's" arrival.... We will be painting the nursery (with Jon's help), having the furniture delivered, installing the bases for the car seats among dozens of other things that are on our "to do" list. Hopefully we will have some time to sleep and relax as well. Tonight is the Academy Awards, which Denise refers to her as her "super bowl"...As she says, the pre-game (read red-carpet) begins at six....

Stay tuned for updates on our progress this week...I'm sure you are all dying to know what we are upto...


Carolyn said...

Oh no! I've already missed the pre-game.

Amanda said...

very excited for pictures of Jon painting. Brings back fond memories from Blackstone ;)

ingapalooza said...

Denise - what did you think of Hugh at the Oscars?

Denise said...

Ing...I have a little crush on Hugh now! I thought he did pretty good job!