Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

A few hours early but who knows if we (or at least I) will be awake when it officially turns to 2009...we are spending a quiet night at home to celebrate the new year as opposed to traveling in the snow to ring in the new year with live music and a few hundred other people like we have done the past 3 years. One of our favorite bands, The Assembly of Dust, has always put on a great show in Boston or like last year, Keene. However this year they are playing in North Hampton MA...a bit too far and especially in this weather so we nixed the idea of going. We also decided that we are probably getting to old to be out until 2 or 3 in the morning...and we figure we should start getting used to staying in and hunkering down! Only 4 more months before our lives change forever! And we are getting very excited about it! So Chinese food for dinner, Andrew making carrot cake cupcakes (I think he shredded part of his finger with the carrots) and a bottle of champagne (I might have a little glass...), we are all set to enjoy a quiet New Year...Happy New Year to everyone and here's to a great 2009!!!

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