"Hello my name is Denise and I'm calling from Barack Obama's headquarters in Manchester...."
Denise and I have been spending some time of late campaigning for Obama here in the Granite State. New Hampshire has been a traditionally "purple" state and we are doing our part to change that(Right now the polls are definitely in our favor!!)
We have been going one night a week to make phone calls and spent a few hours on saturday knocking on people's doors. It has been a rewarding experience and we have met some great people in the process. Keeping our fingers crossed for November 4th.
I just saw the previous post - congrats!! Can't wait to celebrate in person!
Thanks...Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks...
hope all is well.
Obama will win the election! I just wish I didn't live in Arizona. or that we could get rid of the electorial college so my vote could actually matter
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